Dr Neal is registered as a specialist by the GMC and has a license to practice. He was first appointed as a Consultant Psychiatrist in 1994. He was formerly an RAF Psychiatrist, Armed Forces Tutor for the Royal College of Psychiatrists and latterly the Hospital Commander of the Armed Forces Psychiatric Hospital. He has a Research Doctorate (MD) in psychiatry and was appointed as an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at Leeds University and at Kings College University, London. He is a member of the International Neuro-modulation Society. He now works in the independent sector and has particular expertise in the treatment of chronic depression, addictions, PTSD and chronic pain. He trained in TMS at Maastricht University as well as various clinics in Southern California; and has been certified in the safe use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) by Maastricht University.
Dr Neal is responsible for the day to day running of the Smart TMS Clinic. https://www.smarttms.co.uk/