Cambridge Advance Online – Short Courses

Cambridge Advance Online offers short online courses from the University of Cambridge. We deliver premium online learning for professionals who want to advance their careers, connect with a network of peer learners, and gain insight from leaders in the field.

Here are a few examples of the courses we have to offer:


Creativity, Problem Solving and Design Thinking – Short 6 week course

In recent years there has been increasing recognition of the importance of creativity in the workplace. It is cited as the most valuable skill required of employees and leaders, and as a key determinant of organisational performance and staff satisfaction.

Creativity, Problem Solving and Design Thinking introduces the role of creativity within problem solving and the application of design thinking. You will discover the characteristics of difficult problems, the thinking skills that are used to address them and the thinking biases that need to be overcome. Taught by Professor Nathan Crilly from the University of Cambridge, you will develop your creative skills and confidence, and learn how to apply creative processes to your own context.

What will I learn?
By the end of this six-week course, you will have a broad understanding of the application of creative approaches, processes and tools, including how to:

  • Articulate the components of creative work, and the skills (and biases) that are involved.
  • Apply creative processes and tools yourself.
  • Manage the application of creative processes and tools by others.
  • Develop confidence in your creative skills, and in your ability to improve those skills.
  • Represent your own creative skills and experiences, and promote and elicit those of others.

Talk to one of our advisors

If you’re interested in earning a professional certificate from the University of Cambridge, this is a great time of year to invest in yourself and your future. Our Enrolment Advisors are on hand to provide you with additional information and discuss how this course could benefit you and your professional goals.

Book an appointment with one of our Enrolment Advisors today or send us your questions via email:

For more information or to book your place, click here! Booking is now open for January 2022 and April 2022.

Control Engineering – 8 week online course

Control Engineering is needed more than ever before, in all sectors of industry. Whether it is battery management on an electric car, control of a smart grid with renewable generation, or production of chemicals in a hydrogen economy, advanced control engineering algorithms are going to be needed to successfully meet environmental and climate change targets.

This course, developed by Professor Jan Maciejowski, is designed for graduate engineers from any engineering discipline who want to become more familiar with control engineering. The course does not assume any specialist knowledge or skills in control, and provides a good overview of the field, with corresponding skills and competencies. It will familiarise you with modern software tools for modelling, simulation and analysis, of the type used in many industries.

What will I learn?
At the end of the eight-week course, you will be able to:

  • Formulate a performance specification for a control system
  • Tune a PID controller
  • Gain an overview of multivariable control, optimal control and model predictive control
  • Appreciate state observers and Kalman filters
  • Understand the stability of a control system
  • Interpret Nyquist and Bode diagrams.

Visit our website to download the course brochure and watch a short interview with Jan Maciejowski.

Booking is now open for January 2022 and April 2022!

Intercultural Business Communication and VUCA – Short 8 week course

Businesses and organisations worldwide have been faced with the reality of VUCA, an environment that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, for at least two decades. Intercultural competence is high on the list of skills needed to deal with VUCA by no longer being seen as a ‘nice to have’. It is an emerging set of skills that is required in every workplace with diverse teams and in international organisations.

Intercultural Business Communication and VUCA draws on interdisciplinary research to provide you with the necessary awareness, know-how and practical skills needed to become more effective at intercultural interactions.

What will I learn?
By the end of this 8-week course, you will be able to:

  • Assess the impact of VUCA on today’s workplace.
  • Define culture and critique several cultural models.
  • Explain the effect of cultural differences on interactions.
  • Identify individual and cultural preferences for working practices and demonstrate the use of empathy when evaluating others.
  • Define the culture adaptation process and develop a strategy to foster effective interactions at work.
  • Assess the opportunities and challenges of using English as an international working language and develop strategies to use it in an effective and inclusive way.
  • Apply inclusive teamwork and/or leadership skills to successfully complete tasks in a multicultural workplace.
  • Evaluate and apply experience and knowledge to create a personal development action plan.

Talk to one of our advisors

If you’re interested in earning a professional certificate from the University of Cambridge, this is a great time of year to invest in yourself and your future. Our Enrolment Advisors are on hand to provide you with additional information and discuss how this course could benefit you and your professional goals.

Book an appointment with one of our Enrolment Advisors today or send us your questions via email:

For more information or to book your place, click here! Booking is now open for January 2022 and April 2022!

Product Technology Roadmapping 6 week online course

Product-Technology Roadmapping ensures technological decisions and developments are aligned with product and business plans.

This course, developed by Dr Rob Phaal and Dr Imoh Ilevbare, is based on decades of research and practice of roadmapping at the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge. Course tutors bring extensive experience from helping organisations globally to develop roadmaps and roadmapping capabilities under various contexts and for different purposes (see: We provide learners with key principles and the understanding required for developing roadmaps for effective technology and product planning. We will focus on the practical application of our renowned, agile and efficient, ‘fast-start’ approach, and support will be available to assist learners in developing their first roadmap by the end of the course.

What will I learn?
At the end of the six-week course, you will be able to:

  • Analyse external market and internal business needs and drivers
  • Categorise and prioritise key market segments
  • Strategically align and identify knowledge gaps
  • Identify product features, functions, and attributes
  • Produce a product or service release strategy
  • Identify and prioritise technology solutions
  • Produce a roadmap and link it to market
  • Product, and technology perspectives

Visit our website to download the course brochure and watch a short interview with Rob Phaal and Imoh Ilevbare.

Booking is now open for January 2022 and April 2022!


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