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Soldiering On Awards 2024 – Defence Inclusivity Award

Soldiering On Awards 2024 – Defence Inclusivity Award


This week, the Soldiering On Awards spotlight shines on the Defence Inclusivity Award, in partnership with Barclays, highlighting three extraordinary finalists.

The Defence Inclusivity Award honours the commitment and achievements of an individual, team or organisation in delivering greater diversity and inclusion within UK defence and the Armed Forces community.

The selfless, dedicated finalists are:

  • Maj Daljinder Singh Virdee MBE
    Major Daljinder Singh Virdee MBE stands among less than ten turban-wearing Sikh Officers in the British Army today and his journey epitomises unwavering determination, fuelled by a profound aspiration to influence positive change.
  • Rank Outsiders
    Robert Ely and Elaine Chambers were dismissed from the Army for being gay. In 1991 they co-founded Rank Outsiders, a self-help group, bringing together members of the LGBTQ+ community who had been separated from their military family as a consequence of the ban on gay people in the Armed Forces.
  • British West India Regiments Heritage Trust
    The British West India Regiments Heritage Trust is a veteran-led not-for-profit organisation dedicated to remembering and honouring the contributions and sacrifices of the West India Regiments and the British West Indies Regiment.

Meet the finalists and learn all about their positive impact here.


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