The Chief Executive of Stoll, Ed Tytherleigh, is taking on the London Marathon for the first time this year to raise vital funds for the work of Stoll…

Stoll is the leading provider of supported housing for vulnerable and disabled Veterans and helps around 600 Veterans a year.

Ed hopes to raise £10,000 to support Stoll’s work helping and housing homeless Veterans. Stoll offers a unique combination of housing and life-changing support, including employability, addiction support and outreach services. The money raised will support Stoll’s newest development in Aldershot, 34 new homes for vulnerable Veterans.

Although this is Ed’s marathon debut, he is a keen runner and has completed various races, including one in a Gorilla costume! His training so far has included 14-mile stints and the distance is increasing every week. The 26-mile course takes place on 22 April 2018 with almost 40,000 runners expected to take part.

Ed said: “It’s a really exciting challenge for me. I enjoy running but I never thought I’d be taking on a marathon. The demand for our services is getting bigger all the time and we need your support to build more homes and reach more Veterans through our projects. I hope that I can help raise some vital funds for Stoll to enable us to support the next generation of Veterans.”

This Spring Stoll will open 34 new homes for Veterans in the garrison town of Aldershot in response to the growing need of ex-Service men and women. One Stoll Veteran said: “When I came out of the Army, I was in a temporary hostel and ended up kipping in a tent. The more houses for Veterans the better; I think Stoll’s Aldershot site will make all the difference for Veterans who need it most.”

You can sponsor Ed here and help develop the next project for homeless Veterans.