The Business School (UK) was set up by ex-Forces personnel for the benefit of others, whether they be currently serving, in the process of leaving, or having already left…

The School was formed out of a recognition that professional experience was not being recognised and, as a result, industry was missing out on a vast pool of experience. The School focusses on the needs of service personnel to gain valuable qualifications whilst recognising their personal situations and at a cost significantly less than any other training provider.

A second career in the Logistics industry is attractive for many service leavers. It is large enough to offer opportunities at all levels, ranging from those with only a few year’s military service, to those who have completed a full career. The logistics industry worldwide is growing rapidly. If BREXIT is to be a success, the health of Logistics in the UK is pivotal.


Undoubtedly, ex-military personnel are seen as an attractive proposition as a result of their general Armed Forces experience. Those employed in logistics trades in the Armed Forces have an advantage, but those without this background need not be disadvantaged.

The courses we offer are approved by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), ranging from Certificates in Logistics and Transport at Levels 2 and 3, through to Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas at Levels 5 and 6. The qualifications are regarded as first class and recognised worldwide. Professional recognition through achievement of one of these qualifications undoubtedly gives a job candidate the edge when seeking employment.

Our courses are delivered at the student’s own pace, on-line. There are no deadlines to meet, and no exams to pass. All assessment is carried out by a series of step-by-step assignments. Importantly, as our record demonstrates, OUR PASS RATE STANDS AT 100%. Each student is given a tutor who will guide them through the course, and providing the advice offered is taken and assignments are submitted, the student will pass.

The difference between our course and others is that we take account of previous experience in both logistics and management gained through their military service. As a result of this, the students gain accreditation for those aspects and they do not have to study them again, resulting in a shorter, more focussed, course. Over 300 students have benefitted from our courses to date and the number is rapidly rising.

The second key point is that, as a result of careful design, we are cheaper than the competition. There is no need to use Enhanced Learning Credits. Ours start at £600 for Level 2, £1110 for Level 5 and now £2398.80 for Level 6 Advanced Diploma. There is no need to pay in one go, we offer attractive payment terms over 6 months and each unit for any of the qualifications attracts Standard Learning Credit funding.

Don’t wait! Do it!

Tel Number: 0116 367 4858