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The Jordan Wylie Column: Home Schooling – The Show Must Go On!

Each issue inside Pathfinder, former soldier, now best-selling author and adventurer, Jordan Wylie pens his column. Catch the May issue column below…

At the time of writing this month’s column, we are preparing for yet another week in ‘lockdown’ as a consequence of the coronavirus global pandemic. We still have no clear indication yet as to when schools will reopen, which means some of you like me will be perhaps entering another week of home schooling.

For me there is a real sense of irony that I have become a temporary teacher as I was probably a teacher’s worst nightmare in my younger years, but the less said about that – the better! On a more positive note though, I have given myself a little field promotion after a successful first month and I am now head of department for geography and adventure.

Schools, colleges and nurseries across the UK closed their doors to most pupils, apart from the children of key workers and vulnerable youngsters, more than six weeks ago now. For many that means like me, you have probably taken on the task of teaching your own children while also working from home, if still fortunate to be in employment.

I have a 10-year old daughter and the first few weeks were very tough but as time progressed I learnt that the most important thing was to make sure my daughter Evie was enjoying it, learning and engaging in the lessons. It has of course presented many challenges for parents but as with any crisis in the world, there are also glimpses of opportunity if we look hard enough. Coronavirus has restructured almost all aspects of our everyday lives with quarantines and lockdowns, leading to many us often getting very bored and frustrated, more so that we have ever been before. During these extremely uncertain times, it is important to see the positives and to try and stay inspired and if you can, inspire others too who may be struggling.

I am delighted to tell you about a new project that myself and my 10 year old daughter Evie Grace Wylie have just finished (and launched) this week, a colour, research and learn book titled ‘Around The World With Evie & Jordan Wylie’.

The concept came from some home schooling we were doing, we have been trying to learn all the capital cities of the world and also the flags associated to each country which has been super challenging, perhaps more so for me than Evie to be honest. As we were learning them, we kept finding fascinating facts about the respective 196 recognised countries along with other interesting snippets of information such as the climate, the history and the different foods that were cooked around the world.

We decided whilst we were in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic that we would try and turn our project into a book to help other parents and children learn a bit more about this incredible world we live in. Flags have been used all over the world for thousands of years to identify people, places, cultures and beliefs. Our new book is a fun way to learn about each country and see where it is located on the world map, whilst learning more about each nation as you fill in the blanks and do your research. We launched on the 1st May and the feedback has been amazing, we are naturally immensely proud of our father and daughter project.

With support from a very special little local charity in Andover, Hampshire called The Abel Foundation in Andover, we have been able to publish and print the book and also donate more than 1000 FREE copies to NHS children and also families that suffer with Mitochondrial Disease in the last week. Mitochondrial Disease is a chronic, genetic disorder that can be inherited in several ways. Because there are many forms of mitochondrial disease and therefore Mitochondrial disease presents very differently from individual to individual. When a person has Mitochondrial Disease the mitochondria in the cells are not producing enough energy. Sometimes they are not very efficient, or they do not work at all. Depending on which Mitochondria are affected will depend on which organs are affected. Activities like running, swimming, cycling or even simple ones like walking or breathing can be difficult or completely impossible if you are suffering with Mitochondrial Disease.

The future still looks very uncertain for many of us right now but we must continue to remain positive, cherish this extra time with our loved ones and remember that after the darkest storms, often come the brightest rainbows, keep the faith people and be safe always.

To learn more or purchase a copy of ‘Around The World With Evie & Jordan Wylie’, please visit

Read the Pathfinder May issue in full here.

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