How did DMWS Welfare Officer Emma help?

  • She provided emotional support to both Ken and Gina by offering an impartial listening ear which helped them cope with their stress and feeling of uncertainty
  • Emma then suggested a few befriending services and breakfast clubs for Ken to join to help him feel less isolated
  • Gina contacted the community connector upon Emma’s suggestion, to find suitable support groups to improve her mental well-being
  • On a practical side Emma has been dealing with the council to arrange an occupational therapy assessment of the house. She attended the assessment and feasibility study with the council. Adaptations to the property will be made by the end of the summer to help Gina to move around the house safer and independently
  • Emma also liaised with the council to get specialist equipment including a step and a grab rail to assist her getting in and out of bed

Gina now feels happier and safer in her own home. The house adaptations will reduce the risk of falls and hospital admissions. She said: “I feel guilty when Ken stays at home instead of going out, to be here when I need him. The house adaptations will give us both some independence back.”