Sunday March 28 marks the final day to send in your nominations for the Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards in association with Hugh James.

The awards have been produced to highlight some of the great positive stories to emerge from the armed forces community within the last year of lockdown due to the COVID19 pandemic.

Anyone can send in a nomination or multiple nominations within our six categories which are detailed below.

Send your nominations and reasons why to Pathfinder editor Mal Robinson at 

Winners are decided by an independent judging panel.

The six categories:

  • Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Individual) in association with Caps Lock
  • Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Group) in association with the Invictus Games Foundation
  • Most Outstanding Veteran in Lockdown in association with Hugh James
  • Most Outstanding Charitable Contribution or Gesture in Lockdown in association with Inzpire
  • Most Supportive Business to the Armed Forces during Lockdown in association with Angel Call Handling
  • Greatest Lockdown Achievement from the Armed Forces community in association with BFBS

The Forces Pension Society support the awards as Associate Partners.

The criteria for each category is as follows:

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Individual)

The award for Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (individual) will be given to the individual who has been a leading light and ultimate example beyond doubt of selflessness, commitment, determination and courage in times of need during COVID19.

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Group)

An award for a serving unit or camp, in which personnel have gone above and beyond their duties to assist the local or national community or both in the battle against COVID19. This can be in the form of direct assistance in the frontline battle against the pandemic or in a secondary nature including raising mental health awareness, charity work, community contributions or innovations against the virus.

Most Outstanding Veteran in Lockdown

An award to recognise the achievements of former military personnel whom have carried the ethos of the armed forces, in particular, integrity, honour and dedication to one or a series of acts carried out during lockdown to assist their community locally, or the country nationally.

Most Outstanding Charitable Contribution or Gesture in Lockdown

The award for most outstanding charitable contribution or gesture in lockdown is aimed at an individual, serving unit/business, charity or community interest company who have gone above and beyond to raise awareness or fundraise for a good cause during the period of lockdown be it for a service, general charitable cause, including proceeds to the NHS.

Most Supportive Business to the Armed Forces during Lockdown

Whilst the armed forces and the military community have come to the fore in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, we also salute those who have supported the military in this time period within these awards. This award then highlights the business world who have assisted, aided, helped the forces during lockdown, be it in amalgamated work, frontline back up, innovation combined with the forces or the simple feat of being there in the community.

Greatest Lockdown Achievement from the Armed Forces Community

This award showcases one outstanding particular achievement which has been completed during the lockdown period by someone from the military community. Military community includes serving personnel, reserves, veterans, military spouses and families, volunteers, military charities, military friends and cadets. It is one achievement that has inspired and motivated others during COVID19.