Are you a member of the Foreign & Commonwealth community with a qualification from your home country that you need transferring to its UK equivalent? Then we have some very exciting news to share with you!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the RFS Foreign and Commonwealth Programme!

After a year of hard work and dedication from our incredible team, this innovative programme is designed to break down financial barriers for Foreign and Commonwealth spouses/partners, helping them transfer qualifications to UK equivalents. This will enable easier access to employment, study, or to gain professional registration.

Our Career Academy will cover the costs of obtaining a Statement of Comparability and facilitate the application process, working with trusted service providers to ensure qualifications meet UK standards.


  • Partner of a Foreign or Commonwealth national serving in HM Forces (Royal Navy, British Army, or Royal Air Force)
  • Over 18 years of age
  • Partners include spouses, civil partners, fiancés(e), or individuals living with serving personnel in a relationship akin to marriage/civil partnership for at least two years

Application Requirements:

  • Partner’s service number
  • Date of entry to the UK
  • Visa status (if applicable)

To apply for this support and service, sign up to our portal and click ‘programmes’ on the upper left-hand side here.