The British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (BNTVA) is campaigning for the Government to award a medal to the UK personnel who participated in the Nuclear Testing programme around the world…

The BNTVA is the premier UK Charity representing all people who have worked with or alongside radioactive material for the benefit of this nation.

Formed initially to campaign for recognition and restitution of our Servicemen who participated in the British Nuclear Tests the organisation has evolved over the years to share it’s knowledge and heritage with people from all walks of life.

The British Nuclear Testing Programme ran between 1952 and 1967, it was the largest Tri-Service operation since the D-Day landings. Over 20,000 servicemen participated in the Weapons Tests.

The development of these superweapons bought the United Kingdom’s place at the world superpower table.

Help get the recognition these Veterans deserve for the sacrifices they made for their country and sign the online petition here.