The Military Mesothelioma Experience Study is being conducted as part of Mesothelioma UK’s Supporting our Armed Forces initiative and will help to raise awareness and establish a comprehensive shared approach to providing information and support for military personnel and Veterans…

A team of researchers from the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Sheffield are undertaking the Military Mesothelioma Experience Study (MIMES) research which aims to understand more about the patient experience of mesothelioma amongst British Armed Forces Veterans. This will help healthcare professionals to better understand how to meet the needs of those at risk of developing the disease and those living with mesothelioma.

Researchers have made great progress conducting individual interviews with Veterans with a diagnosis of mesothelioma, their family carers and relevant staff. They have now interviewed 12 Veterans, eight family carers and seven staff members and are currently analysing the data. The team is grateful to all the people who have taken part in interviews as well as those who have helped with recruitment.

Family carers of veterans with mesothelioma and staff members are still being recruited for interview. Please call the Mesothelioma UK freephone information line on 0800 169 2409 to register your interest in participating, or you can email Angela Tod via or Stephanie Ejegi-Memeh via for more information.

In the autumn, the individual interviews will be concluded the next steps of the study will begin. This will include testing out initial findings with Mesothelioma/Asbestos Support Groups and other relevant stakeholders.