Captain Sir Tom Moore wears his new rank slide with pride after being presented with his new role as Honorary Colonel.

Legendary veteran Sir Captain Tom Moore has signed a seven-figure movie deal based on his life story.

The World War 2 soldier who came to the public’s attention at the beginning of lockdown by completing 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday in order to raise funds for the NHS has recently had his life story published in a book and now it is the turn of the big screen.

And Sir Tom has already hinted at who he would like to play him in the movie.

Tom said: “I don’t know of any 100-year old actors but I’m sure Michael Caine or Anthony Hopkins could do a wonderful job if they were prepared to age up.”

British filmmaker Nick Moorcroft won the bidding rights for Sir Tom’s story and added: “We are working side by side with them (Sir Tom and family) spending a lot of time getting to know each other. This isn’t a group of producers who’ve come in and just managed to obtain some rights.

This is about telling his story as authentic as it can be and making sure we protect his voice and message because it’s strong and an important one.”

The movie is expected to be released next Christmas.

Read the Pathfinder International interview with Sir Tom HERE!