Pathfinder magazine is delighted to announce the launch of a campaign to raise awareness for Remembrance of the fallen, of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country in the 100th year of the commemorations.

1919 saw the first Remembrance ceremony and 100 years later, the chance to reflect and pause in the UK and around the World, is bigger than ever…and rightly so.

To mark the occasion of the 100th year of commemorations, Pathfinder have launched “I am Tommy Atkins” in a bid to highlight the spirit and ethos of World War 1’s generic soldier “Tommy” remains alive throughout campaigns since WW1 and to date.

Pathfinder has been fortunate enough to speak to at least one veteran from every major conflict since WW1, including WW2, The Korean War, Falklands, all the way to current operations.

Each video interview and magazine interview, concludes with that veteran stating… “I am Tommy Atkins!” as the story comes full circle in the centenary year.

Pathfinder also invites other veterans and serving personnel and the general public to get involved.

Either by simply posting a video of yourself saying the line “I am Tommy Atkins!” and posting this on your social media pages using the hashtag, #IamTommyAtkins and #LestweForget or email a video of you to Pathfinder editor, Mal Robinson at using the subject line “Tommy” for us to post, you will be displaying your support for Remembrance 100.