Reserves Day 2017 is two months away and employers across the UK are gearing up to show their Reservist employees some much deserved recognition…

The Reserves have always played an essential role in our Armed Forces and they make a vital contribution to protecting our nation’s security at home and overseas. Working alongside Regulars, Reservists provide capability in many specialist areas and regularly contribute to peacekeeping and humanitarian operations worldwide.

To help you show your support for Reservists, we have produced a toolkit which you can download for use in your own internal and external communications channels.

What’s included in your Reserves Day toolkit:

  • Two editable posters: tailor with your own messages. Print and display to show your support for your Reservist employees, encourage them to wear their uniform at work on 21 June and/or invite staff in your organisation to attend a workplace talk.
  • Narrative and key messages: use this document to write celebratory articles for your own internal channels, create case studies, post Q&As and organise events.
  • Email banner: use in your email signature during the month of June as an easy way to raise awareness about the value of Reservists.
  • Social media banners: use on Facebook, Facebook events, Linkedin and Twitter during June
  • Video: footage of our Reservists in action for your internal channels. If you wish to use it further please do get in touch.

Click hereto open the Reserves Day Toolkit and download your resources. But our toolkit isn’t the only way you can get involved, you can also join our #SaluteOurForces campaign. From now until the 26 June, we want you to tweet your support for our Armed Forces with a picture of you and your team saluting our Forces and tag it @DRM_Support with the hashtag #SaluteOurForces.

Finally we’d love to hear from you and receive your case studies and photos of Reservists working for you. Please send these

Start showing your support now. Tweet using #ReservesDay and #SaluteOurForces