An update from Jonathan Jelley, Chairman of the Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committee in Eastern England…

On 14 December 2017, the Centre for Public Appointments launched a new campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of being a public appointee. The campaign aims to increase diversity on public boards but also to make a wider audience aware of the benefits of such appointments. The Cabinet Office published the public appointments diversity action plan to coincide with the launch.

I was appointed as Chairman of the Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committee (VAPC) in Eastern England by the Minister of State for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans in February 2015. With a long background in voluntarily supporting the oldest military charity SSAFA, taking on this role was a natural extension to the work I was already doing in supporting veterans and their families.

Since taking on the role the Eastern England VAPC have set out to change our way of working by establishing a clear plan of action and to seek new recruits with different backgrounds in order to execute it.