The Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards in partnership with Hugh James winners will be announced on Monday.

Shortlisting has taken place and the judging panel have cast their votes on who they believe are worthy winners of the unique awards.

A reminder of the shortlisted entries are as follows:

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Individual) in association with CAPSLOCK

  • Lt Paul Jonathan Holvey (RN)
  • Marie Llewelyn, 16 Med Regt, Colchester
  • WO Scott Barnett, RNAS Culdrose
  • Major Chris Brannigan (Barefoot Soldier)

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Group) in association with the Invictus Games Foundation

  • Army Welfare Service (Preston/Donnington Team)
  • Reigate Grammar School CCF (Contingent Commander – Lt Andy Pruvost)
  • 32 Engineer Unit & Anzio Company, Duke of Lancaster Regiment
  • Aviation Task Force COVID Support Force, RAF Odiham

Most Outstanding Veteran in Lockdown in association with Hugh James

  • Craig Monaghan
  • Mike Taylor
  • Kayam Iqbal
  • Craig Curtis

Most Outstanding Charitable Contribution or Gesture in Lockdown in association with Inzpire

  • Herefordshire Veterans Support Centre at DMWS
  • PoppyPebble (Project Nova)
  • RE:ACT
  • Veterans In Communities
  • Cdt LCpl Niquita Potter

Most Supportive Business to the Armed Forces during Lockdown in association with Angel Call Handling

  • SAGE Foundation
  • Great Western Railways/The Veterans Charity
  • RV1 Group
  • Global Production Squad

Greatest Lockdown Achievement from the Armed Forces community in association with BFBS

  • Anthony Phillips for his work with Walking with the Wounded
  • Jessica Sands, The MilSPO Business Network for her work supporting spouses.
  • Sally Orange for her work with NHS Nightingale Hospital and fundraising events
  • Op REGEN (Walking with the Wounded)
  • Jordan Wylie for the Great British Paddle

Shortlisted nominee for The Greatest Lockdown Achievement Award, Jessica Sands of the MilSPO Business Network said: “A huge thank you to Pathfinder and BFBS for recognising the efforts of the Milspo community at their lockdown awards. I think we are all aware of how tough the past year has been, especially for our Armed Forces families who have faced the uncertainty of a pandemic whilst living through the usual demands of modern military life. Through lockdowns, operations, and demands on our businesses, Milspo’s have come together to offer support and guidance in the way the military community do best. To be recognised in this way is a wonderful reflection of how hard our military spouses, partners and other-halves strive to ensure that no business is left behind, and it’s a real pleasure to be able to showcase the entrepreneurial spirit of our Milspo’s to a greater audience thanks to these awards.”

Rob Wilson Group Director for the RV1 Group, shortlisted for Most Supportive Business said:

“RV1 are incredibly humbled to to shortlisted as a finalist within such a strong category. These awards are testament to people that simply go above and beyond amongst the most difficult working conditions- incredibly inspiring to look around and see these efforts.
Whilst recent times have been incredibly challenging, we have stood firm in providing as much opportunity to Service leavers as possible. We have taken great strides in educating UK business in the value of Veteran talent across our resettlement Skill Bridge programmes and continue to help Service leavers each day.
Any awareness of what we do through these awards will go along way in promoting prospects the exceptional people that leave our Armed Forces each year.”
Great Western Railway have also been shortlisted for “Most Supportive Business” for their efforts with the Poppies to Paddington event for Remembrance 2020.

GWR Head of Communications Dan Panes said:

“We are honoured to be shortlisted for this award. Last year we felt it was important that everyone had a chance to show their respect and remember our Armed Forces on Armistice Day, but to be able to do so in a safe way.

Working with The Veterans Charity, Poppies to Paddington involved communities across the Great Western Railway network and saw over 250 poppy wreaths laid at the war memorial on platform 1 at Paddington. Our Facebook Live broadcast meant that people could #RememberfromHome safely and respectfully.”

The criteria for the awards was as follows:

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Individual)

The award for Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (individual) will be given to the individual who has been a leading light and ultimate example beyond doubt of selflessness, commitment, determination and courage in times of need during COVID19.

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Group)

An award for a serving unit or camp, in which personnel have gone above and beyond their duties to assist the local or national community or both in the battle against COVID19. This can be in the form of direct assistance in the frontline battle against the pandemic or in a secondary nature including raising mental health awareness, charity work, community contributions or innovations against the virus.

Most Outstanding Veteran in Lockdown

An award to recognise the achievements of former military personnel whom have carried the ethos of the armed forces, in particular, integrity, honour and dedication to one or a series of acts carried out during lockdown to assist their community locally, or the country nationally.

Most Outstanding Charitable Contribution or Gesture in Lockdown

The award for most outstanding charitable contribution or gesture in lockdown is aimed at an individual, serving unit/business, charity or community interest company who have gone above and beyond to raise awareness or fundraise for a good cause during the period of lockdown be it for a service, general charitable cause, including proceeds to the NHS.

Most Supportive Business to the Armed Forces during Lockdown

Whilst the armed forces and the military community have come to the fore in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, we also salute those who have supported the military in this time period within these awards. This award then highlights the business world who have assisted, aided, helped the forces during lockdown, be it in amalgamated work, frontline back up, innovation combined with the forces or the simple feat of being there in the community.

Greatest Lockdown Achievement from the Armed Forces Community

This award showcases one outstanding particular achievement which has been completed during the lockdown period by someone from the military community. Military community includes serving personnel, reserves, veterans, military spouses and families, volunteers, military charities, military friends and cadets. It is one achievement that has inspired and motivated others during COVID19.

Winners for the awards are announced Monday May 24.