With the Armed Forces & Veterans Resettlement Expo Bristol just1 day away, we thought we would take a look at our exhibitors on the day (42 of them to be precise) continuing with Nationwide Building Society and their team will be on hand to chat about both careers with them and also housing and finance advice.

To register for free for this event (open to serving personnel, veterans, spouses and families) please see the link HERE

More about Nationwide…

Our Building Society’s foundations are rooted in the service of others, so we are incredibly proud to support our Nation’s military personnel and their families as they transition towards second careers.

We highly value the skills and adaptability veterans can bring to our organisation, Nationwide’s Ex-Military colleagues are happy to offer a friendly face for Service Leavers to discover more about life at Nationwide.

Careers in Banking and Finance | Nationwide Jobs (nationwide-jobs.co.uk)

Our primary focus is helping our members into a home of their own, so we actively support Forces Help to Buy and have Military friendly mortgage policies such as allowing personnel to let their out their homes when geographically reassigned.

Contact Graeme Hood – graeme.hood@nationwide.co.uk