At an event in Edinburgh, celebrating the work of Housing Options Scotland, it was announced that the Veterans’ Foundation will be financially supporting the organisation’s unique Military Matters project until March 2021…

Since its inception in 2012, Housing Options Scotland’s Military Matters project has helped and advised over 1000 members of the Armed Forces to find the right home in the right place in all 32 local authorities in Scotland.

The project provides indepth one-to-one support to veterans, serving personnel, their families and dependants, to find the right home in the right place. The organisation’s unique approach enables people to explore renting and buying options, and provides support to make these options a reality. All of this advice is provided by expert staff who understand the needs of members of the military community.

Support from the Veterans’ Foundation will enable Housing Options Scotland to offer this unique service to more members of the Armed Forces community who are in need.

Housing Options Scotland’s CEO Moira Bayne said “We continue to see a high demand for our Military Matters project, in the last quarter alone, we have seen a 50% increase in referrals. Since the project started in 2012, we have helped people with a multitude of issues including; homelessness, unaffordable housing, overcrowding, housing for disabled veterans and adaptations to name but a few.

“We are delighted and very grateful to receive continuing support from the Veterans’ Foundation, which will enable us to help more members of the Armed Forces community across Scotland.”

The Veterans’ Foundation raises its money through the Veterans’ Lottery and donations. To date, it has given £2 million out in grants to 140 organisations, who help members of the Armed Forces community. Their support has helped charities and other organisations to tackle the challenges of mental health and physical injuries, homelessness, unemployment, children’s loss of parents while serving and remembrance.

Veterans Foundation CEO David Shaw noted: “The Veterans’ Foundation is delighted that the grant to Housing Options Scotland has enabled them to help many veterans find accommodation to suit their needs. It is so important that veterans and their dependants have a sound base from which to make a successful transition from military to civilian life.”