The adoption service at SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity has been rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted following an inspection in November 2019…

The adoption team was awarded an ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted inspectors for all three inspection judgements: the effectiveness of leaders and managers, how well children, young people and adults are helped and protected and the overall experiences and progress of service users.

SSAFA has been a registered independent adoption agency since 2000 and was developed to counteract the difficulties faced by some serving personnel looking to adopt. While many members of the Armed Forces can adopt via their Local Authority, some adoption agencies do not accept applications from serving personnel due to misconceptions about the military lifestyle.

SSAFA are the experts in military adoption and understand the complex demands of military life. SSAFA has worked successfully with individuals and couples from all service backgrounds to create loving families.

The report stated: “‘Prospective adopters had no hesitation in reporting to inspectors that they chose this agency because they felt understood as military families. They felt that this agency offered a non-judgemental approach and saw strengths which other agencies had considered as weaknesses. Children and their adoptive families are offered exceptional services by this agency.

“They receive highly individualised and bespoke assessment, training, matching and support services. There is a strongly held sense of trust in the relationships developed between the agency workers, children and prospective adopters. This creates an atmosphere where adopters feel that they can share any issues without being judged, in the knowledge that they will receive unconditional support.”

The inspectors also picked up on the adoption service’s flexibility in what they offer: “Children’s views are listened to by workers, who give them the utmost priority. Many examples were seen during the inspection where children’s views are informing and shaping the services provided”.

Jill Farrelly, Head of Adoption Service at SSAFA, says: “SSAFA is delighted to announce its outstanding Ofsted. I am incredibly proud of the adoption team at SSAFA and I would like to personally thank everyone we work with on a daily basis – from our central office staff to our wonderful adopters who change the lives of children every day.

“SSAFA is the only registered independent adoption agency for military personnel. We hope that after our incredible Ofsted result, more military personnel will consider adopting through SSAFA and provide a stable and loving home to one of the thousands of children living in care.”

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