Today BFBS announces a new quarterly newsletter, Fighting Fit, which will share stories and other ideas, plus tips and advice from the armed forces community. As part of the announcement, BFBS is asking the community for their own life experiences of improving their life and wellbeing in the armed forces.
The Fighting Fit newsletter with be shared direct to subscribers’ inboxes, or in a special quarterly edition of the Forces News newsletter, exploring a range of themes to help readers understand how to make the most of wellbeing and work/life balance in the armed forces.
The following articles are examples of what the armed forces community can expect in the Fighting Fit newsletter.
BFBS wants to hear tips and advice from the armed forces community for the Fighting Fit newsletter on everything from getting the most out of Serving and day-to-day work, to experiences they have had that improved their wellbeing or their personal development – anything from tips and advice on housing and accommodation, finances, family life, parenting, or even how taking up a hobby such as joining a music group within the Forces or other special interest or sport has had a positive impact on their Service life.
Or it could be tips on how they have coped with deployment, homesickness, and other personal issues that come with the role of serving in the armed forces.
The armed forces community can share their life hacks, tips, advice, experience, and life stories at: