Yesterday (29/09/2020) at Denison Barracks in Hermitage, Berkshire, General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, The Chief of the General Staff set out how the Army is prepared for the challenges of the future, including strategic view on threats, great power competition and revolutionary tech.

The event showcased capabilities from across 6th (United Kingdom) Division, focusing on both the physical and digital domains. Soldiers from the highly trained Specialised Infantry Group (Spec Inf) talked about nano drones like Black Hornet and mini unmanned aerial systems (MUAS) as well as robotic support to enable the resupply of troops in remote locations. The emphasis here was very much about small teams working together with partner forces and allies, around the globe in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia. Soldiers from 77 Brigade demonstrate their web ops and target audience analysis capabilities which are very similar to those used in cutting edge advertising agencies.