In partnership with the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, Further Forces is a scheme to recruit and retrain Armed Forces Service Leavers to teach technical subjects, including Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) in the Further Education (FE) and Skills Sector.
You will be supported to find employment, allocated a subject specialist mentor, and experience high-quality learning experiences whilst completing a fully-funded teacher training programme at Level 5 or above, which is delivered flexibly.
The University of Portsmouth and the Association of Colleges work to link you with suitable employment. Once on programme, you undergo an in-service ITE training programme. Alongside this, the University of Brighton provides subject specialist mentoring support to ensure the new teachers are successful in their role.
Last opportunity to apply
Potential recruits have until the end of March 2020 to complete their induction, orientation and programme registration. This will allow them to begin Initial Teacher Education training before, or at the latest by, 30 September 2020.
No further recruitment will take place after 31 March 2020. Beyond March, service leavers interested in FE teaching will be able to draw on support from the ETF FE Advice Line and will be signposted towards other opportunities (and associated financial support) to undertake teacher training.
Those considering applying may also wish to watch this film featuring former Royal Engineer Dean Carpenter talking about his successful transition into FE.
Trainees who are already engaged in Further Forces will continue to be funded to complete their nationally recognised ITE qualification and supported to secure employment in FE technical teaching roles.
Further Forces Recruitment Conferences 
6 March, London

9 March, Darlington
The Further Forces Recruitment Conferences bring together service leavers, FE providers, charitable organisations, stakeholders, Ministry of Defence and Careers Transition Partnership colleagues to raise awareness of the opportunities and support available through the Further Forces programme.
Join us to:
  • Raise your awareness of the Further Forces programme and the support available to you
  • Learn from service leavers engaged with the programme why you may wish to become involved
  • Understand the support and resources that are immediately available to you
  • Understand next steps and time scales
Friday 13 March, Grimsby Institute
Monday 16 March, HMP Bristol (Prison Education service)
Wednesday 18 March, Weston College
Thursday 19 March, Exeter College
Friday 20 March, Norwich College
Insight Days allow you to find out all about the Further Forces programme, as well as an opportunity to experience the teaching environment first hand, meet and chat with students and teachers, and find out all about life at a Further Education provider.
For more information about the Further Forces programme, please visit our website