Everyone can play an egg banjo, a fried sandwich favoured by British troops, and we can all do something to help veterans with PTSD – invite your friends and family round for an egg banjo breakfast, and simply ask for a donation…

Combat Stress would love it if you could hold your breakfast on World Mental Health Day (10th October 2019), but you can do it whenever you like. It’s free to register, but we hope your guests will make a donation on the day. Every penny raised will help Combat Stress be there for veterans when they’re having a tough time.

Once registered you will be sent your free Egg Banjo Breakfast guide to help you get started. It’s an eggsellent way to spend a morning – the only question is, red or brown sauce?

Since 1919 Combat Stress has provided support to veterans from every Service and every conflict, as well as reservists and those from the Merchant Navy. Demand for their services has almost doubled in the past ten years but the charity is dependent on donations for 80% of its income. For every £1 donated to Combat Stress, 84p is spent on vital treatment, care and support.