Pathfinder International magazine is delighted to launch the Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards in association with Hugh James.

2020 has been the most trying of years for us all as the Coronavirus pandemic stopped the globe in its tracks.

Rather than dwell on such a devastating ten months or so, Pathfinder International magazine  – the leading UK military resettlement and community publication – wants to celebrate those in the military community and with links to the military community, who have been a leading light in the battle against COVID19.

Pathfinder is encouraging both the armed forces community and the general public to send in their nominations, of which there are six categories in total. You can either nominate for all six or simply choose one, it is up to you.

The Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards will have six categories in total. They are as follows:

  • Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Individual) in association with Caps Lock
  • Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Group) in association with the Invictus Games Foundation
  • Most Outstanding Veteran in Lockdown in association with Hugh James
  • Most Outstanding Charitable Contribution or Gesture in Lockdown in association with Inzpire
  • Most Supportive Business to the Armed Forces during Lockdown in association with Angel Call Handling
  • Greatest Lockdown Achievement from the Armed Forces community in association with Pathfinder International magazine

The Forces Pension Society support the awards as Associate Partners.

The criteria for each category are as follows:

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Individual)

The award for Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (individual) will be given to the individual who has been a leading light and ultimate example beyond doubt of selflessness, commitment, determination and courage in times of need during COVID19.

Most Outstanding Service Personnel in Lockdown (Group)

An award for a serving unit or camp, in which personnel have gone above and beyond their duties to assist the local or national community or both in the battle against COVID19. This can be in the form of direct assistance in the frontline battle against the pandemic or in a secondary nature including raising mental health awareness, charity work, community contributions or innovations against the virus.

Most Outstanding Veteran in Lockdown

An award to recognise the achievements of former military personnel whom have carried the ethos of the armed forces, in particular, integrity, honour and dedication to one or a series of acts carried out during lockdown to assist their community locally, or the country nationally.

Most Outstanding Charitable Contribution or Gesture in Lockdown

The award for most outstanding charitable contribution or gesture in lockdown is aimed at an individual, serving unit/business, charity or community interest company who have gone above and beyond to raise awareness or fundraise for a good cause during the period of lockdown be it for a service, general charitable cause, including proceeds to the NHS.

Most Supportive Business to the Armed Forces during Lockdown

Whilst the armed forces and the military community have come to the fore in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, we also salute those who have supported the military in this time period within these awards. This award then highlights the business world who have assisted, aided, helped the forces during lockdown, be it in amalgamated work, frontline back up, innovation combined with the forces or the simple feat of being there in the community.

Greatest Lockdown Achievement from the Armed Forces Community

This award showcases one outstanding particular achievement which has been completed during the lockdown period by someone from the military community. Military community includes serving personnel, reserves, veterans, military spouses and families, volunteers, military charities, military friends and cadets. It is one achievement that has inspired and motivated others during COVID19.

How to nominate!

Send in the name of the nomination be it individual, group or business.

State which category or categories you are nominating for and include a brief description of why you have nominated them. The more details the better and can include links to articles in the press, images and other links.

Include your name and contact details (these will not be disclosed) to keep you updated.

Email all of the above to Pathfinder editor, Mal Robinson at with Lockdown Awards in the subject header.

Nominations close at mid night on Sunday February 21, 2021. ***UPDATE – Due to an overwhelming response, we have extended the deadline of the awards to Sunday March 28 2021. 

The awards are judged on merit by the Pathfinder International magazine editorial and office teams. Their decisions are final and remarks and comments on judging will be made public about the winning decisions.

A Word From Our Sponsors And Partners…

“We are delighted to be sponsoring the Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards and to be able to lend our support. The awards recognise the incredible service that those who are working in the Armed Forces provide us with and give them the acknowledgement they deserve. Through our work advising and assisting military personnel with their legal issues we are continually reminded of their dedication and contribution to society and it’s fantastic to be able to recognise that commitment”

Simon Ellis, Partner and Head of Hugh James’ Military team.

“We are really pleased to be involved with the Pathfinder International magazine who are launching the Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards.  These awards will celebrate those in the military community who have been a leading light in the battle against COVID19.

Angel Call Handling have always had a strong connection to the veterans in the community.  We are based in the same town as the Army HQ and we are surrounded by current serving personnel and veterans and this is an amazing opportunity to show our support and an opportunity to give a little back.”

Sarah & Angela, Founders of Angel Call Handling.

“The Forces Pension Society are delighted to support the Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards – recognising those who have made an ‘over and above’ contribution during challenging times. We have been championing Armed Forces Pensions for 75 years and are here to offer guidance when you need it most.”

Maj Gen Neil Marshall OBE, Chief Executive, Forces Pension Society.

Whilst the Coronavirus pandemic has been a very sad and tragic part of our history, it has allowed the strength and selflessness of people to shine through.

Over 5000 British Armed Forces personnel have been deployed to assist the Government Coronavirus response, rising quickly to the challenge of working in very difficult and unfamiliar surroundings. Alongside our wonderful NHS and keyworkers, they have been paramount in helping society get to where we are today; the end is in sight and happier times are on the horizon.

We are extremely proud to be supporting the Pathfinder Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards, which raise awareness of the truly excellent work which has been undertaken by our military personnel throughout the pandemic. They have demonstrated outstanding resilience, adaptability and community spirit – and for that we hugely grateful. Thank you.

Hugh Griffiths, CEO, Inzpire.

“As a company who are committed to helping veterans re-train and find new careers in cyber security, we are thrilled to be sponsoring the Armed Forces Community Lockdown Awards this year.”

AVM John Philliban, Director of CAPSLOCK.

“We are delighted to be supporting the Armed Forces Lockdown Awards in the UK, and in particular helping recognise the most outstanding group of service personnel in lockdown.  We know that the armed forces community are all about service and giving back, and we’ve also seen this time and time again in our own work with the international wounded, injured and sick Service personnel and veteran community. During lockdown, we’ve developed a platform called We Are Invictus to help bring the community together virtually, and we’ve seen many examples through this of individuals reaching out, and taking part in activities to support each other’s recovery. We are looking forward to seeing the award nominations for this category later in the year, and hearing more about the positive actions people have taken to help others in this difficult time.”

Dominic Reid, CEO of the Invictus Games Foundation.