Join the Officers’ Association at this year’s Officers’ Employment Forum as they bring together employers, industry experts, HR directors and career consultants to provide a complete day of networking, industry insight and expertise for those planning their next civilian role…

Hosted by BT, the day combines career focused break-out sessions with opportunities to meet directly with employers and fellow officers, supported by keynote speakers able to share their knowledge and experience of the jobs market.

Developed specifically for the officer job seeker, this event is designed to give you the latest advice and knowledge to help you plan your next career move with confidence.

  • Gain an insight into civilian employment and learn how to capitalise on the skills and experiences you have gained as a commissioned officer
  • Find out about the range of job opportunities available to you
  • Choose from a range of break-out sessions on offer to learn more about your target sectors and roles.
  • Network with fellow Service leavers, employers and recruiters to build your professional network and make valuable connections
  • Stay for drinks from 17:30 onwards where you can continue your initial conversations with employers

At the end of the Officers’ Employment Forum you will be well versed in the civilian career options available to you, leaving with a growing network and practical next steps.

This one-day event will equip you with the latest advice and knowledge you need to approach your transition and/or continue your second career with confidence. You can engage with employers who actively recruit Service leavers and hear directly from those who have successfully transitioned.

Register here.

Date: Monday 2nd December 2019

Time: 11:00 – 20:00, with networking from 17:30

Location: BT Centre, 81 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7AJ