Dorset Health and Safety Limited, an ELCAS approved training provider based in Wiltshire continues to have growing success with the delivery of the NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

 Who is the qualification for?

This qualification provides the underpinning knowledge required by people with fire safety responsibilities at work. It is particularly relevant for those who contribute to or review fire risk assessments within low to medium risk workplaces.

What does the course cover?

 The NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management covers the following key topics:

  • Management of health and safety
  • Managing fire safety
  • Principles of fire and explosion
  • Causes and prevention of fires and explosions
  • Fire protection in buildings
  • Safety of people in the event of fire
  • Fire safety risk assessment

Learners will be able to complete a fire safety risk assessment of a workplace. In particular, to:

  • Identify fire hazards in the workplace
  • Identify people who could be at risk should a fire start
  • Assess the adequacy of existing fire safety measures to control risk
  • Assess the risk of fire occurring
  • Assess the speed at which fire and smoke could spread once started
  • Assess the risk to people from fire
  • Where necessary, recommend additional fire safety measures to further reduce risk
  • No previous health and safety or fire safety knowledge is required.

The qualification is divided into three units:

  • NGC1: Management of Health and Safety
  • FC1: Fire Safety and Risk Management
  • FC2: Practical Fire Risk Assessment

How Long in the Course and How Much Does It Cost?

The full course takes 10-days and there are two 2-hour exams at the end of each element and a practical assignment which is done by the candidate after the course.

The conversion course lasts for 5-days with a single 2-hour exam and a practical assignment.

The prices are £1,440 for the full course and £894 for the conversion, noting that to just do the conversion course, candidates must have passed the NEBOSH NGC1 within the previous 5-years.

Prices include VAT, study and revision materials, exams and certification.

When and Where are Courses being held?

The next full course is starting on the 28th of October 2019 and the conversion course on the 14th of October.

How Can I book a Place on the Course?

To book a place, or to ask about our other ELCAS accredited Health and Safety Training Courses, contact Stuart at:

Tel: 07841 023522



Dorset Health and Safety Limited – ELCAS Provider Number 8616