Queen’s University Belfast, in conjunction with the Forces in Mind Trust, are running a three-year, UK-wide study designed to provide in-depth analysis of the experiences of ex-Service personnel who have undergone a ‘negative transition’ to civilian life…

This project seeks to build on current knowledge and to extend it in substantial ways by focusing on three measures of negative transitioning, namely those ex-service personnel who have been in prison, homeless or suffered mental health issues. The project aims to provide evidence-based recommendations relevant to key stakeholders across the armed forces and in the voluntary sector.

It is focused on providing both information on the issues affecting these ex-service personnel, and to garner the lessons that can ensure better support in the future. The organisers aim to identify specific post-conflict reintegration programmes for ex-service personnel that improve their transition to civilian life as well as highlighting the needs of support providers.

Those who agree to participate will be invited to take part in an anonymous interview or informal conversation where participants will be asked a series of questions so real evidence based findings can be provided. Participants will be drawn from all four regions of the UK.

The project will also be tri-service and it is intended that research be carried out with veterans across all of the armed services community. This will include male and female members as well as former regular and reserve personnel. The project management also hope to interview family members of ex-Service personnel and stakeholders, where possible.

Pathfinder would encourage veterans, families of veterans, and stakeholders to support this research by completing the relevant Survey Monkey questionnaires via the links below:

Questions for veterans who have experienced negative transitions

Questions for family members of veterans who have experienced negative transitions

Questions for stakeholders

If you or your organisation would like further information on the project or would be interested in participating please contact Dr Stephen Herron, Co-Investigator: 02890 975343, stephen.herron@qub.ac.uk.