The launch of Defence Transition Services, a new service from Veterans UK, targets Service Leavers and their families that may need extra help and guidance transitioning from Service life and comprises a team of caseworkers trained and ready to offer a full range of transition support…

The vast majority of Service Leavers make a successful transition to civilian life but a small minority of the thousands leaving every year do not. The Ministry of Defence has a key role to play in ensuring its Service Leavers are well prepared and supported for their transition and the launch of Defence Transition Services (DTS) aims to deliver on these responsibilities, set out in Strategy for Our Veterans.

Defence Transition Services will be available for those Service personnel and their families who are likely to benefit from ongoing support, guidance and information before, during and after transition in partnership with those responsible for delivering in-Service welfare and transition. A new Defence Transition Referral Protocol is being introduced to provide a single referral point and access directly into Veterans UK for these cases.

This new Protocol will also be the mechanism for accessing support from the Veterans Welfare Service, which will continue to support Veterans as it does now. Launched as part of the Defence Holistic Transition Policy, this is part of a wider programme to have a single, centrally co-ordinated policy to better prepare Service Leavers and their families for their first steps on the transition journey.

Kate McCullough, Officer in Charge of Defence Transition Services, said: “We have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure all our caseworkers are up to speed and prepared to deliver this brand-new provision to Service personnel and their families. We want DTS to become the ‘go to’ for Service leavers who need that extra support, whatever stage of the transition journey they may be at.”

Andy Dowds, Head of Veterans UK, added: “I am delighted to announce the launch of Defence Transition Services and to welcome the Team into the Veterans UK family. We pride ourselves on our service delivery and by working alongside our experienced Veterans Welfare Service, the DTS Team will be aiming to ensure a successful transition for every Service Leaver they support.”

Further details about Defence Transition Services are available via Help and Support for Service Leavers and their Families.