Our unique MSc programme meets the previously unmet need for a specialist course for anyone who is going to work with armed forces veterans’, their families and the families of serving service personnel

Our course is delivered by a range of professionals from across the spectrum of health, social and 3rd sector care. Our course is aimed at both professionals and anyone wanting to work with this client group. We strongly encourage applications from international students working in this field, or who want to work in this field, as we appreciate that care of armed forces veterans and their families’ is a worldwide phenomenon.

The first of its kind, our course explores the particular theoretical knowledge and skills needed for anyone working with these populations worldwide. You will explore the impact that armed service has on physical and mental health, as well as the wider social implications of caring for veterans and their families within your society.

Delivered online through the virtual classroom, you will be taught weekly by leading academics, practitioners in the field and Fellows of the Veteran and Families Institute. We will provide you with a body of knowledge that challenges the preconceived stereotypes of the health and social issues found in veterans and military families.

Our course will

  • Provide a theoretical underpinning knowledge that better informs those working with both of these client groups, providing insight into the challenges that these client groups face;
  • Provide students with theoretical skills required to undertake a holistic assessment of need within the veteran population;
  • Explore the myriad of statutory and 3rd sector care available to these client groups and give you the theoretical knowledge to explore with clients the options that they have when seeking help or care;
  • Explore some of the common therapeutic interventions within mental health and develop an understanding of the aims of these therapies as well as how they are delivered;
  • Enable you to inform clients of what to expect from different therapies, helping them make informed choices regarding their help and care.

Modules covered on the course include military life and experience, transition and veteran experience and military and veteran health care, social care and welfare.

You will contribute to the extension of knowledge in the holistic care of this client group and undertake research that will have benefits for services and client outcomes. Career paths may include, amongst others, welfare and social care, service management, specialist practitioner or becoming a researcher.

On completion of our course the knowledge and skills you develop will have a direct impact on improving your practice and the support you can offer to this diverse group, ultimately improving outcomes for those who seek support. Due to the high quality of our lecturing staff and fellows you will be in receipt of cutting edge research, theory and practice application.

Our course is supported by our Veterans and Families Institute, opened in 2014, which was established with the intention of carrying out valuable research, policy development, consultation and teaching relating to veterans and military families. With a number of national reports calling for better focused research into the impact of military experience on families the need for the development of our institute with a clear focus in this area is even more imperative.

Since its launch the institute has worked with military charities, Government agencies and departments, the statutory sector and other universities on a range of research and consultation programmes.

For further information on our course please visit www.anglia.ac.uk/mvfs or contact fhsceadmissions@anglia.ac.uk

For further information on our Veterans and Families Institute please visit www.anglia.ac.uk/vfi

Faculty of Health, Social Care & Education

Visit: www.anglia.ac.uk/fhsce

Email: fhsceadmissions@anglia.ac.uk

Call: 01245 68 68 68

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fhscenews

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FHSCENews

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/UniAngliaRuskin