Dame Vera Lynn died on 18 June 2020 aged 103, she was Patron of the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans for over 50 years and her private funeral will be held today on July 10 2020.

Dame Vera Lynn was not only a Patron of the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans, but she was a great friend who gave her time freely for “The boys” as she called the veterans and they loved her for it.

Paul Davis, Honorary Secretary, Taxi Charity for Military Veterans, said “In the early days Vera Lynn would sing on the stage at the Town Hall, during the charity’s annual outing to Worthing, having driven herself and her brother Roger from her home in Ditchling to attend the event she loved so much.
During the lunch break the veterans would queue to talk and shake Dame Vera’s hand while reminiscing and thanking her for her efforts during the War and beyond. Dame Vera never refused any of them and was seldom able to finish her lunch, but she never complained and always had time to have a photo with them and always demonstrated enormous patience and kindness for all ‘The boys.’

Once when The Taxi Charity was visiting The RAF Museum in Hendon, Dame Vera came into a back room and queued with everyone to make tea for the veterans and then sat down with her tea and chatted to the them. This was the Vera we knew, always helpful, kind, and considerate, she was never a diva but always put “the boys” first.
These visits made memories that the veterans would never forget. She was their sweetheart and her music had helped them to get through their darkest hours. On a personal note it was a real pleasure to have met and known her.”

Dame Vera was an enormous supporter of the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans for over fifty years, attending events when she was able to and promoting the work of the charity whenever she could.

To view an interview with Dame Vera about the Taxi Charity visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=fra-_GV1320&feature=youtu.be

To find out more about the Taxi Charity, to volunteer or to make a donation visit www.taxicharity.org

About the Taxi Charity

The Taxi Charity for Military Veterans was formed in Fulham in 1948, to work for the benefit, comfort and enjoyment of military veterans and arranges many trips every year for veterans from all conflicts.
The charity offers international trips to The Netherlands, Belgium and France, UK day trips to concerts or museums, transport to attend fundraising events, as well as special days out to catch up with friends and comrades.
To fund and facilitate these outings, the charity is wholly reliant on generous donations from members of the public, businesses and trusts and the amazing group of London licensed taxi drivers who offer their time and vehicles free.