Today, award winning agency BFBS Creative – part of military charity and media organisation BFBS, to help the armed forces and UK government with their communication challenges – has responded to the United Nations’ (UN) global callout to creatives, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 with an emotive social media video.

See the video here


The World Health Organization (WHO) is leading the global health response to coronavirus, helping to ensure all countries are ready to prevent, detect and respond to the pandemic. For this to be effective, it needs people everywhere to adopt public health precautions, act in solidarity, and prevent the spread of misinformation. Therefore, the UN asked creatives from around the world to promote its key public health messages, by creating engaging and shareable content.

BFBS Creative took on the challenge and responded by creating a video called ‘Share the Kindness’. The emotive social media video acknowledges the amazing efforts of the frontline staff tackling the pandemic, and promotes that the best way of helping them is by actively being kind. Different examples of being kind are provided, include being grateful, laughing, reaching out and – most importantly – staying at home. The messages are then cut with humorous and heartfelt examples from social media.

Adam Waters, BFBS Director of BFBS Academy and Creative, said: “When I saw the call for creatives to participate in this initiative, I knew we had to take part. As an agency that specialises in creating video content for the armed forces, we know first hand how important it is to focus on themes of hope and working together when times get tough. This video is an emotive reminder to all of us that – even when we struggle – we can seek positivity in resilience and find the strength to lift each other up.”

This is one of two projects that BFBS has undertaken to help promote honest and good messaging in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. It has also been supporting the MOD during the current crisis by posting content to combat misinformation about the armed forces efforts to combat Covid-19 across the BFBS social media channels.